Spare lid for sugar bowl Base; 9 cm (Ø); white; round; 6 piece / Pack

3.482 kr.

51 á lager

Einingar: 6, Einingarverð: 580 kr.
Vörunúmer: 10082991 Flokkar: ,


Base porcelain series With this hotel porcelain series, the name says it all:> Base <is the=”the” perfect=”perfect” base=”base” for=”for” your=”your” tastefully=”tastefully” decorated=”decorated” table,=”table,” where=”where” less=”less” is=”is” simply=”simply” more.=”more.” simple,=”simple,” timeless=”timeless” design=”design” works=”works” you=”you” or=”or” leaves=”leaves” plenty=”plenty” of=”of” room=”room” interesting=”interesting” decorations.=”decorations.” with=”With”> Base <you make a really good choice for many years! 10-years-availability-guarantee! Dishwasher safe and microwaveable!


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