Protection and barrier cream Brenta

6.887 kr.

42 á lager

Einingar: 1, Einingarverð: 6.887 kr.
Vörunúmer: 30089782 Flokkar: ,


Ideal for frequent disposable glove wear. Forms a protective film on the skin, reduces heat build-up and softening of the skin. Greasy and silicone-free. With caring substances that promote the closure of small wounds (derma test “very good”). Apply before working in wet areas or before using gloves. Very economical – economical in use. * Protection and barrier cream – before and during work. * Greasy and silicone-free hand protection and barrier cream ideal if you frequently work with disposable gloves * Forms protective film on the skin and reduces heat accumulation and softening of the skin while wearing gloves * With caring substances that promote the closing of small wounds (Derma-Test “very good”)


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